welcome to the forum! This does not seem like a dead end, but certainly means some work will have to be done. CVMFS explicitly uses execinfo to generate stack traces, so you’d either need to ifdef-out this functionality, or you could check if getting this header file from another package is is an option for you (a quick web search indicates that libexecinfo has been removed from alpine, but libelfutil-dev could be an option?).
no execinfo.h ! cmake fails at the same step (obviously):
alpine-virt-318:~/cvmfs/build$ \rm -rf *; cmake ..
-- Looking for syslog.h - found
-- Looking for sys/resource.h
-- Looking for sys/resource.h - found
-- Looking for execinfo.h
-- Looking for execinfo.h - not found
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:250 (message):
execinfo.h is missing on your system
Call Stack (most recent call first):
CMakeLists.txt:266 (pedantic_include_check)
CMakeLists.txt:304 (look_for_required_include_files)
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
I’ve quickly tried to build GitHub - resslinux/libexecinfo from source and that seems to work - although I would not use this in production, in the end it’ll likely be better to patch out execinfo alltogether.
I have manually compiled libexecinfo but I am stuck a little further down (after adding manually more packages)…
alpine-virt-318:~/cvmfs/build$ \rm -rf * && cmake ..
Using libcrypto for libcvmfs_crypto from /home/bisadm/cvmfs/externals_install/crypto/include
-- Found GTest: /home/bisadm/cvmfs/externals_install/lib/libgtest.a
-- Found VJSON: /home/bisadm/cvmfs/externals_install/lib/libvjson.a
-- Found LibArchive: /home/bisadm/cvmfs/externals_install/lib/libarchive.a
-- Found ZLIB: /home/bisadm/cvmfs/externals_install/lib/libz.a (found version "1.2.8")
-- Found SHA3: /home/bisadm/cvmfs/externals_install/lib/libsha3.a
-- Found CARES: /home/bisadm/cvmfs/externals_install/lib/libcares.a
-- Found CURL: /home/bisadm/cvmfs/externals_install/lib/libcurl.a (found version "7.86.0")
-- Checking for module 'sqlite3'
-- Found sqlite3, version 3.41.2
-- Found Sqlite3: /home/bisadm/cvmfs/externals_install/lib/libsqlite3.a
-- Found leveldb: /home/bisadm/cvmfs/externals_install/lib
-- Found UUID: /usr/lib/libuuid.so
-- Found pacparser: /home/bisadm/cvmfs/externals_install/lib/libpacparser.a
-- Found Sparsehash: /home/bisadm/cvmfs/externals_install/include
-- Performing Test CMAKE_HAVE_LIBC_PTHREAD - Success
-- Found Threads: TRUE
-- Found Protobuf: /home/bisadm/cvmfs/externals_install/lib/libprotobuf.a
-- Found FUSE: /usr/lib/libfuse.so
-- Found FUSE3: /usr/lib/libfuse3.so
Enable Fuse3 cache_readdir support
-- Found PythonLibs: /usr/lib/libpython3.11.so (found version "3.11.6")
FATAL Cap include dirs cannot be found
FATALPcap library cannot be found
CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:230 (message):
Call Stack (most recent call first):
/usr/share/cmake/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:600 (_FPHSA_FAILURE_MESSAGE)
cmake/Modules/FindLibCAP.cmake:42 (find_package_handle_standard_args)
CMakeLists.txt:438 (find_package)
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
but libpcap-dev is installed …
alpine-virt-318:~/cvmfs/build$ apk info |grep libpcap
just as a side note: if you fail during the “cmake” process of cvmfs and you install new packages, you have start the configuration process from new. easiest is to just delete build/ and recreate it
edit: sometimes it also includes the externals externals_build/ and externals_install/