I’m trying to setup CernVM-FS server with minio backend. When running:
cvmfs_server mkfs -s myminio.conf -w http://svl-registry-minio:9000 vasilyobj5.repo.name
I’m getting the following error:
Creating Configuration Files… done
Creating CernVM-FS Master Key and Self-Signed Certificate… done
Creating CernVM-FS Server Infrastructure… done
Signing 30 day whitelist with master key… done
Creating Initial Repository… failed loading reflog (3 - network failure)
reflog hash specified but reflog not present
fail! (cannot sign repo)
Here is the content of myminio.conf:
When listing the contents of cvmfsstore bucket I can see that some objects related to vasilyobj5.repo.name repository are created:
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=dummykey AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=dummykey /usr/local/bin/aws s3 --endpoint http://svl-registry-minio:9000 ls s3://cvmfsstore/
PRE vasilyobj5.repo.name/
So, it seems CernVM-FS server does have enough permissions to create objects in the bucket.
Any suggestions? How can I debug this? Thank you!