Trying to test some manual configuration, after creating a file under /etc/cvmfs/domain.d/, I am trying to reload a small testing repo to pick that up:
[root@host ~]# cvmfs_config reload
Connecting to CernVM-FS loader... done
Entering maintenance mode
Draining out kernel caches (up to 60s)
Blocking new file system calls
Waiting for active file system calls
Saving inode tracker
Saving negative entry cache
Saving page cache entry tracker
Saving chunk tables
Saving inode generation
Saving fuse state
Saving open files table
Unloading Fuse module
Re-Loading Fuse module
It seems to get stuck on step Re-Loading Fuse module, and the client has become unresponsive. I cannot even ls /cvmfs/
I think we should actually do a bash -n <config_file> in chksetup - currently we are not catching errors like this - that would be a nice improvement, thanks for the report!
Ah, I thought it would print the configuration for all repositories.
Anyways, it seems like all the issues were a consequence of the typo. Repeating the same action for another domain name worked fine.