Import existing repository from S3/Blob

Hello all!

I am trying to setup an ephemeral publisher for managing a repository in an S3/Blob storage. The idea is to deploy the server only when changes to the data in the existing repository are needed. In order to do this I need to import the existing repository from Blob every time a new publisher is deployed.

I have attempted with the following import command:
cvmfs_server import -w -k /etc/cvmfs/keys -o myuser -p -u 'S3,/var/spool/cvmfs/,

However the import fails when mounting the CVMFS storage because it waits for apache.
Since this repository is hosted on Blob, I have no need for apache on the publisher.
Am I missing something?



Hi Davide,

There might be a missing cvmfs/ prefix in the S3 config string. It should work with

-u 'S3,/var/spool/cvmfs/,cvmfs/

(The import interface is seriously up for an improvement)
