Loading Fuse module... Failed to initialize root file catalog (16 - file catalog failure)

Hi All, I am new to CVMFS. I am trying to mount a remote server to my local /mnt directory. However, I got the error “loading Fuse module… Failed to initialize root file catalog (16 - file catalog failure)”, when I execute the command “mount -t cvmfs remote-server-xxx /mnt -v”. Any ideas where my setup can goes wrong? Many thanks.

Hi, welcome to the forum!

I think we need some more information, but if I had to guess then maybe the CVMFS_SERVER_URL is not correctly set. Can you post your configuration here? The easiest way is to run cvmfs_config showconfig, or even better cvmfs_config bugreport.

It’s also worthwhile to see if the server is accessible at all. Try to curl .cvmfspublished from the server, as described here: Troubleshooting - Best Practices for CernVM-FS in HPC
