Ocaml cvmfs repository


I would like to create a cvmfs repository on lxplus which has ocaml in it. I would then source this repository when I log in to create a suitable environment for configuring and installing a particular program (whizard). What would be the necessary steps ? Thanks.


Hi Roy,

publishing to cvmfs needs special infrastructure, and this is set up by CERN IT, so this would be done by requesting it from the IT department. However, I’m not sure they’d agree to this request, since there are repositories that have ocaml installed. There are the LCG releases (which provide common software installations to all experiments) on /cvmfs/sft.cern.ch . The latest one, LCG 105, has ocaml 4.13.1 (Sign in to CERN) , and can be used with

source /cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/views/LCG_105/x86_64-el9-gcc11-opt/setup.sh

However, since I think you’ve been doing studies for FCC anyway, I’d point you to the key4hep installations (/cvmfs/sw.hsf.org/key4hep/latest/setup.sh) which already install whizard. If you need a custom installation, you can certainly open an issue on GitHub - key4hep/key4hep-spack: A Spack recipe repository of Key4hep software. .


Hi Valentin,

Thanks for your prompt reply. Yes I have been using the installation of whizard for FCC as you say. However I am now interested in installing whizard with Gosam, an NLO code. It is a configuration option when installing wizard (as long as the Gosam libraries are installer). The only option for doing NLO calculations with wizard right now is openloops which has been installed and are available. Sorry but this might be the wrong forum for discussing this !


Generally CVMFS repositories aren’t created for specific tools. They’re mostly for VOs, and sometimes for some other organization that wants to support a set of shared tools. So the best thing to do is to figure out if there’s an existing repository that your software will fit in.