Releases are built and packaged firstly for all currently supported versions of Almalinux (compatible with RHEL and other RHEL clones) and Debian. Ubuntu, Fedora, and SuseLES are built as well, but possibly with a small delay wrt. the platforms mentioned before.
An AUR package recipe for ArchLinux is maintained upstream (not by us, thanks fsiegert!): AUR (en) - cvmfs
A package recipe for Gentoo linux is maintained upstream (thanks Guilherme Amadio!) net-fs/cvmfs – Gentoo Packages
I’m hoping to add cvmfs to more upstream package repositories in the future.
We currently build packages for x86_64 and arm64 architectures for all platforms. RISC-V builds are planned for the future.
If you feel strongly that something is missing here, do respond to this topic, and I’ll see if we can support this.