I need help recovering a publisher.
I was attempting to publish some changes (cvmfs_server publish), and received a warning about open files. I control-c-ed out of the publish (perhaps mistakenly) to find and close open files, and after closing all open files I found I got into a predicament I cannot seem to get out of.
cvmfs_server publish is failing with invalid lease error
(dev-2:~# cvmfs_server publish
Using auto tag ‘generic-2023-07-28T22:01:29Z’
Processing changes…
Waiting for upload of files before committing…
Committing file catalogs…
Wait for all uploads to finish
SessionContext::DoUpload - error reply: {“reason”:“invalid lease”,“status”:“error”}
terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘ECvmfsException’
what(): PANIC: /home/sftnight/jenkins/workspace/CvmfsFullBuildDocker/CVMFS_BUILD_ARCH/docker-x86_64/CVMFS_BUILD_PLATFORM/cc8/build/BUILD/cvmfs-2.10.1/cvmfs/session_context.cc : 416
SessionContext: could not submit payload. Aborting.
/bin/cvmfs_server: line 4105: 856489 Killed $user_shell “$sync_command”
Synchronization failed
Executed Command:
cvmfs_swissknife sync -u /cvmfs/hpcsw.umd.edu -s /var/spool/cvmfs/hpcsw.umd.edu/scratch/current -c /var/spool/cvmfs/hpcsw.umd.edu/rdonly -t /var/spool/cvmfs/hpcsw.umd.edu/tmp -b e13106755c57a71a0d01f502c23e6de4b3dc00dc -r gw,/srv/cvmfs/hpcsw.umd.edu/data/txn,http://fs-1.zaratan.umd.edu:4929/api/v1 -w http://fs-1.zaratan.umd.edu/cvmfs/hpcsw.umd.edu -o /var/spool/cvmfs/hpcsw.umd.edu/tmp/manifest -e sha1 -Z default -C /etc/cvmfs/repositories.d/hpcsw.umd.edu/trusted_certs -N hpcsw.umd.edu -K /etc/cvmfs/keys/hpcsw.umd.edu.pub -L -D generic-2023-07-28T22:01:29Z -H /etc/cvmfs/keys/hpcsw.umd.edu.gw -P /var/spool/cvmfs/hpcsw.umd.edu/session_token -f overlayfs -p -l 4194304 -a 8388608 -h 16777216 -i
cvmfs_server abort again failes due to invalid lease.
(dev-2:~# cvmfs_server abort
You are about to DISCARD ALL CHANGES OF THE CURRENT TRANSACTION for hpcsw.umd.edu! Are you sure (y/N)? y
Error from gateway: ‘invalid lease’
gateway doesn’t recognize the lease or cannot drop it), even with -f flag
(dev-2:~# cvmfs_server abort -f
Error from gateway: ‘invalid lease’
force abort, continue despite error while trying to drop lease, removing session token. Error: gateway doesn’t recognize the lease or cannot drop it
hpcsw.umd.edu is not based on the newest published revision
umount: /cvmfs/hpcsw.umd.edu: target is busy.
Trying to unmount /cvmfs/hpcsw.umd.edu… fail
Trying to unmount /cvmfs/hpcsw.umd.edu… fail
cvmfs_server check won’t remount the fs because it is in a transaction, and just advises to abort (dev-2:~# cvmfs_server check
hpcsw.umd.edu is not based on the newest published revision
Repository hpcsw.umd.edu is in a transaction and cannot be repaired.
→ Run cvmfs_server abort hpcsw.umd.edu
to revert and repair.)
Any suggestions on how to recover from this?
Thanks in advance.